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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Ukraine « Messen und Veranstaltung

Messen und Veranstaltung für die Pet-Branche in der Ukraine




10th International Forum for Pet Supplies “ZooVetExpo-2014” will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 1-3, 2014

[04.03.2014] mehr »

10th International Forum for Pet Supplies “ZooVetExpo-2014” will take place on April 1-3, 2014

Forum ZooVetExpo is the major event of pet industry in Ukraine. It has developed into the leading industry trade fair and most important networking platform helping international companies to conduct zoovetbusiness successfully in Ukraine and the CIS

[31.08.2013] mehr »

ZooVetExpo 2012

6. International Specialized Forum ZooVetExpo-2012 - April 10-12, 2012

[01.09.2011] mehr »


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