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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Spanien « Unternehmen in Spanien « Industrie und Großhandel « 

Visan acquires Trovet

Visan, a global leader in the manufacturing of super premium pet food announced the acquisition of Trovet, a Dutch brand specialized in the field of dietary food for dogs and cats.

This bolt on acquisition fits into Visan´s growth strategy in further extending its commitment to its customers and in consolidating its global business operations.

Eddie van Aalten, former owner and general manager at Trovet is delighted about the acquisition: "the Trovet brand is family owned for the last 20 years and has evolved during that period into a full partner being 100% dedicated for the veterinarian market offering prescription diets.

The product range covers almost all nutritional related health issues faced by the veterinarian and in excess it contains several unique product concept offering the veterinarian more solutions for situations they have to deal with in daily practice.

This gives Trovet an edge in the market place, but in order to expand even more internationally (on top of the 24 countries where Trovet is already offered) and to create more strength in the market, a strong partner was required.

We are convinced that Visan is the right partner to achieve these goals and secure further growth of Trovet along the same business principles as Trovet coming also from a family owned company in which direct and continuous good customer relations is very important.”

Javier Sancho, CEO at Visan comments on the acquisition: “At Visan we are committed in offering our customers and their pets an exceptional nutritional diet throughout their different life-stages. For the past decade, we have worked hard in manufacturing a unique and innovative super premium line combining and including all the nutritional requirements and trends of the market.

It is the result of our state-of-the-art technology and our fresh meat injection system, yet, regardless of how much we love our pets we cannot escape to the fact that they, like us, are also exposed to illnesses and special conditions which require specific dietary needs.

With the acquisition of Trovet we are able to provide our customers´ pets with a complete line of products to overcome these needs. It is an important milestone for us and for our commitment to our customers and their pets”

Weitere Meldungen

Carlos Argenté is the new president of Sizoo 2007

Sizoo will be held from the 20th to the 23rd of September 2007 in hall 8 of Montjuïc

[16.10.2006] mehr »

Sizoo 2007: Pets Festival

Coinciding with SIZOO, on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2007, halls 2 and 3 will house the Pets Festival, the leisure-educational event open to the public and dedicated to pets

[13.09.2006] mehr »

Data on the Sizoo 2005

At the 2005 show, SIZOO presented the proposals of over 110 exhibitors, 35% of which came from abroad

[02.09.2006] mehr »


Brisk trade and large crowds of visiting professionals were the keynotes of the first edition of the IBERZOO Professional Pet Fair

[04.10.2005] mehr »

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