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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Spanien « Marktdaten

Marktdaten zur Pet-Branche in Spanien



Carlos Argenté is the new president of Sizoo 2007

Sizoo will be held from the 20th to the 23rd of September 2007 in hall 8 of Montjuïc

[16.10.2006] mehr »

Sizoo 2007: Pets Festival

Coinciding with SIZOO, on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2007, halls 2 and 3 will house the Pets Festival, the leisure-educational event open to the public and dedicated to pets

[13.09.2006] mehr »

Data on the Sizoo 2005

At the 2005 show, SIZOO presented the proposals of over 110 exhibitors, 35% of which came from abroad

[02.09.2006] mehr »


Brisk trade and large crowds of visiting professionals were the keynotes of the first edition of the IBERZOO Professional Pet Fair

[04.10.2005] mehr »

Heimtier Populationen in Spanien

Petfood Markt in Spanien

Tiergesundheitsmarkt in Spanien


ANFAAC - Asociación nacional de fabricantes de alimentos para animales de compañía 



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