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Rate of Internetisation in Slovakia

More than a Quarter of Slovakia s Inhabitants Use Internet

Bratislava, 30th of June 2005 – GfK Slovakia has updated the multiclient study named "Slovak Internet Monitor 2005". The survey was carried out in May this year on a representative sample of 1000 respondents aged 15 and more. Besides other topics, the multiclient study covers Slovaks‘ attitude to technologies, extent and reason of Internet usage in Slovakia.

According to the GfK Slovakia’s survey findings, almost 40% of inhabitants of Slovakia over 15 use Internet. In the age category of 15 to 30 the extent of internetisation is the strongest, currently the number of users in the given category reaches as much as 65%. In more than 90 percent of cases these are active Internet users, who had used the Internet at least once in the last month before the interviewing.

Base: 1000 respondents

From the regional viewpoint, internetisation is most wide spread in the region of Bratislava, where more than a half of the respondents has declared using the Internet. In other regions of the country, the Internet is used by less than a half of the inhabitants aged 15 and more.

When taking a look at the data regarding the active users (they have used the Internet at least once in the last month), we could say that at least three quarters of them use the web for looking up professional information or the e-mail. Entertainment and obtaining information about the current goings-on in the society or world in general are important for almost 60% of the active users.

Base: 355 respondents (active users – have used the Internet at least once in the last month)
As it also resulted from the survey findings that in Slovakia, the Internet is mostly used in the workplace. Only approximately one third of all active users make use of the Internet at home.

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