bauMax, der österreichische Marktführer in Sachen Do-it-yourself, eröffnet in Kroatien den zweiten Markt in diesem Jahr und führt mit Filiale Nummer fünf die Erweiterung in Zentral- und Südosteuropa fort
Croatia does not have a domestic pet food manufacturing industry and imports all of its consumption. In 2003, imports totaled $21.2 million and are on the rise
Supermarkets first became significant in the Croatian retail food sector in 1997. Today, 37 percent of households regularly shop and buy most of their food in supermarkets. This has led to a decline in the number of smaller stores. Croatian imports of consumer food items have almost doubled from $267 million 1993 to $416 million in 2000. This report contains a listing of major supermarkets and their sales levels as well as a listing of market research companies active in the retail food sector
The Croatian pet food market grew by19 percent in the past three years and dog and cat food imports totaled $13.2 million in 2001. Croatia does not yet domestically produce pet food
On Friday, 10 March - Sunday, 12 March 2000 under the corporate name of "People and Leisure there will be held the 4th International Pets Fair and the 5th International Fair "Home and Garden