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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Japan

Pet-Business in Japan



Interpets 2013

International Fair for a Better Life with Pets - 22-25 August 2013 at Makuhari Messe Hall 7 & 8 (Chiba, Japan)

[07.08.2013] mehr »

GAIN Report: Japan - Market Report Pet Food 2009

Amid an ongoing pet boom, pet ownership is increasing in Japan. Although the Japanese pet food market has been in a downward trend in volume for the past several years, due mainly to the popularity of small dogs, it is still an attractive market for U.S. exporters

[30.08.2009] mehr »

Link: JPR Corporation

JPR Corp. has deployed the following three businesses that target general pet owners: Animal  hospitals, pet grooming salons and pet hotels, and online shopping and media information services

[21.12.2008] mehr »

Marktdaten zur Pet-Branche in Japan

Unternehmen der Pet-Branche in Japan

Medien und Werbung der Pet-Branche in Japan

Messen und Veranstaltung der Pet-Branche in Japan

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