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Gardenex, PetQuip and BHETA trade associations join forces to stage post-Brexit export conference

Three of the leading trade associations in the garden and leisure, pet product and home enhancement sectors are joining forces to host a joint conference on The Future for International Trade, ahead of the UK’s departure from the European Union.

The day long event will take place on March 12th, 2019 and will be held at the Stratford Manor Hotel in Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire.

Brexit marks the dawn of a new era for international trade for virtually all sectors of British business, both home and abroad.

The Future for International Trade
The aim of the conference is to shed light on the very latest intelligence from an array of top-level speakers to help UK companies to navigate their best routes to international sales in the future.

Delegates will hear practical information and advice from leading experts on the changes and challenges of trading internationally after the UK leaves the European Union. They will be inspired by practical case studies from successful exporters in the gardening and leisure, pet product and home enhancement industry sectors.

Also invited to participate to provide further guidance and in-depth export information and advice will be a wide range of experienced service providers specialising in transport, logistics, IP, international business law, exhibition organisers, government advisors and many more.

Director General of Gardenex and PetQuip, Amanda Sizer Barrett, says “We expect a huge take-up for this practical and timely event on March 12th, which will deliver the latest intelligence from an array of top-level speakers and export experts to help UK companies in navigating their best routes to secure international sales in the future.”

BHETA Executive Director, Will Jones commented “BHETA is delighted to be working with the Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers on this joint initiative; we are confident that the programme of presentations will provide delegates with expert information, practical advice and inspiration, while a wide range of export service providers will give face-to-face export guidance to delegates”.

The conference has a clear mandate to help suppliers understand and navigate the Brexit complexities and in addition, highlight the export support and opportunities available worldwide.

Leading export service providers will be on hand to provide delegates with practical advice throughout the conference within the ‘Ask the Expert‘ Zone.

You can reserve your places at this important conference now by contacting your appropriate association by telephone, email or via the associations’ websites.

Members of Gardenex, PetQuip, CHA and BHETA can secure a preferential delegate rate of £69 per person at the conference. The event is also open to non-members at £149 per person (both plus VAT).

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