Proposed solutions that would secure the future of the European equine industry through safe and expedited horse movement between EU Member States and Britain following the UKs departure from the EU
The Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) has published a full UK Pet Data Report 2020 making in depth data available to a wider audience for the first time
Global advisory and asset management specialists, Gordon Brothers, has been instructed to manage the sale of the assets of The Animal Health Trust by the Trustees and their advisor
Virtual Petindex (VPI) is a trade show aimed at all pet businesses within the UK and overseas pet market. It is organised by the Pet Industry Federation, the UK trade association for pet businesses
PetQuip has welcomed news that the organisers of the international pet trade exhibitions Interzoo and Zoomark International have worked together to find mutually agreeable dates for their next shows
Three of the leading trade associations in the garden and leisure, pet product and home enhancement sectors are joining forces to host a joint conference on The Future for International Trade, ahead of the UKs departure from the European Union
Sure Petcares innovativer Verhaltens- und Aktivitätsmonitor für Hunde - Animo - lernt, dokumentiert und interpretiert die individuellen Aktivitäts- und Verhaltensmuster eines Hundes, um Trends und Veränderungen aufzudecken
Heimtierproduktspezialist Sure Petcare hat den offiziellen Verkaufsstart der fortschrittlichsten Katzenklappe aller Zeiten, der SureFlap Mikrochip Katzenklappe Connect, bekannt gegeben
The PetQuip export association has been successful in the Governments latest Tradeshow Access Programme bidding round in securing cash grants for three major international pet product trade exhibitions in 2018-19
Ab sofort hält die PPG-Pet Products Group GmbH (Karlie Flamingo) die Mehrheitsbeteiligung am britischen Unternehmen Sharples & Grant Ltd. und erweitert so ihr weltweites Engagement