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The OFI Journal for smartphone or tablet

The OFI Journal is the tri-annual magazine on the ornamental fish trade, published by Ornamental Fish International (OFI).

It provides information on all aspects of the worldwide aquarium industry with articles on relevant topics, on trade shows, new developments and new legislation.

Now the OFI Journal is also available in digital format in an app for smartphone and tablet, IOS and Android. You can download the app for free from the app. store in iTunes and the Google store. The Journal can be purchased at rate of 2,99 US$ per issue.

OFI Journal App for IOS7 (MAC)

OFI Journal App for Android


Weitere Meldungen

OFI and Indonesian Industry prepare for CITES Marine Aquarium Collection Workshop

OFI President has met with Indonesian OFI members, AKKII and INAFISH to discuss the current Coral Export Suspension and the recently announced CITES Marine Aquarium Fish Collection Workshop

[23.12.2019] mehr »

Keith Davenport awarded the 2016 OFI Award

Keith Davenport of OATA has been awarded the 2016 OFI Award for his for his immense work for the aquatic industry in the UK and internationally, and his unlimited willingness to share information and cooperate with colleagues across the globe

[26.05.2016] mehr »

OFI book on aquatic plants

At Interzoo OFI officially launched the OFI book on International Transport of Aquatic Plants. Authors: Alex Ploeg, Wim Tomey, Roberto Hensen, Esther Mous, Frank Riechelman, Shane Willis, Mini Sekharan and Brandon McLane

[04.06.2014] mehr »

Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley (LINI) receives the OFI Award 2014

This year this Award was given by OFI Secretary general Alex Ploeg to Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley at the World Ocean Business Forum in Manado, Indonesia, 14 May

[18.05.2014] mehr »

International Transport of Live Fish in the Ornamental Aquatic Industry

The highly successful first edition of “International Transport of Live Fish in the Ornamental Aquatic Industry” has been updated and expanded with additional chapters

[22.05.2012] mehr »

OFI One-Day Conference on Invasive Alien Species

On the Saturday of Aquarama 2009, on the 30th of May 2009, OFI will organize a one-day conference on this topic. The aim of this conference is to create awareness about the role of the ornamental aquatic industry as a pathway for IAS

[20.04.2009] mehr »

OFI honors Marshall Meyers

On 24 May 2008 the OFI Award 2008 was presented by the president of the Ornamental Fish International, Gerald Bassleer, to Mr. Marshall Meyers, the Executive Vice President and General Counsel of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC)

[26.05.2008] mehr »

OFI introduces book on live food cultures

The Ornamental Fish International will launch its third book in the OFI educational publications at Interzoo 2008

[15.05.2008] mehr »

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