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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Internationale Organisationen « FEDIAF « 

FEDIAF introduces latest Nutritional Guidelines and new Scientific Advisory Board members at virtual ESVCN Veterinary Congress

FEDIAF, the European Pet Food Federation, is delighted to unveil the new version of its highly regarded Nutritional Guidelines for Cats and Dogs and introduce two new members of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) at the 24th European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition (ESVCN) 2020 Virtual Congress. The Nutritional Guidelines are updated by the SAB, which comprises independent and renowned scientists from Europe.

Thomas Meyer, FEDIAF Secretary General, explains: We are delighted to support ESVCN at their first virtual conference. It is also a great opportunity for FEDIAF to launch the 2020 version of the Nutritional Guidelines, which is the Industry’s ‘go-to science-based tool box’ for pet food formulation.

The Guidelines enable the Industry to adjust the nutritional quality of complete and balanced foods for dogs and cats based on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge.”

Thomas Meyer adds: “The SAB was established in 2010 and we are delighted to introduce two new experts, to work alongside ten existing members (Prof. Biagi, Giacomo - Bologna (IT), Prof. Bjørnvad, Charlotte Reinhard - Copenhagen (DK), Dr Chandler, Marge - Edinburgh (UK), Dr Dobenecker, Britta - München (DE), Dr Hervera, Marta - Nantes (FR), Prof. Hesta, Myriam - Gent (BE), Prof. Iben, Christine - Wien (AT), Dr Lourenço, Ana Luísa - Vila Real (PT), Prof. Nguyen, Patrick - Nantes (FR), Prof. Paragon, Bernard - Maisons-Alfort (FR), Dr Villaverde, Cecilia - Barcelona (ES), Prof. Zentek, Jürgen - Berlin (DE)) - Dr Charlotte Reinhard Bjørnvad is Professor of Companion Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Dr Ana Luísa Lourenço is Assistant Professor in the Animal Sciences Department of the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro in Vila Real, Portugal.”

Dr Marge Chandler, Chairwoman of the SAB, comments: “Dr Charlotte Reinhard Bjørnvad and Dr Ana Luísa Lourenço offer a wealth of experience in companion animal nutrition and we are delighted that they will be joining the SAB. We value Charlotte’s expertise in metabolic derangements during obesity and diabetes mellitus in veterinary patients plus Ana Luísa’s expert knowledge in nutrition and physiology.”

The SAB’s role is to interpret and evaluate the latest scientific research, ensuring that nutrient recommendations in the Nutritional Guidelines are kept up to date. This is an ongoing process and the breadth of knowledge among board members is critical. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the team continues to adopt new ways of working to ensure the Guidelines remain up to date.

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World Animal Day: Celebrate #PetPower

To celebrate World Animal Day, FEDIAF and AnimalhealthEurope have organised a virtual event to discuss the importance of pets in our lives #PetPower!

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World Animal Day 2020

Um den Welttiertag zu feiern, haben FEDIAF und AnimalhealthEurope eine virtuelle Veranstaltung organisiert, um die Bedeutung von Haustieren in unserem Leben zu diskutieren

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FEDIAF launches e-Learning Guide focused on pet food communication

The European Pet Food Federation (FEDIAF) has launched an e-learning guide to improve understanding and implementation of pet food legislation and voluntary rules concerning on-pack and off-pack communication.

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Annet Palamba is the new FEDIAF-President

The European Pet Food Federation (FEDIAF) held its first virtual AGM with 135 attendees from industry, authorities, academia and partners from the Global Alliance of Pet Food Associations. With its theme: ‘Supporting Pets in Society, Today and Tomorrow’, the event included presentations by regulatory, packaging and behaviour experts.

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