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Sie sind hier: « Deutschland « Ausstellungen und Messen in Deutschland « Interzoo - Fachmesse für Heimtierbedarf « Interzoo 2008 « 

Conference on European Pet Import Legislation

On the Saturday morning of Interzoo, on 24 May 2008 at the Exhibition Center in Nuremberg, EPO, in cooperation with IPAC, organizes a conference on European import legislation. The conference takes place from 9:00 – 12:30 at Room St. Petersburg, CCN Ost. Access is free.

Three speakers representing the European Commission will give an introduction to the following topics:


9:00- 9:15    Opening

9:15-10:00    Pedro Rosado Martin (DG SANCO): The new European legislation on imports of ornamental fish, ornamental crustaceans and ornamental mollusks, which enter into force on 1 August 2008.

10:00-10:45    Pierangelo Bernorio (DG SANCO): The development of new import legislation for “other animals”, including reptiles, amphibians and small mammals.

10:45-11:00    Coffee break

11:00-11:45    Henk Eggink (DG ENVIRONMENT): An introduction to the EU strategy on Invasive Alien Species. This topic will soon affect the imports of aquarium and pond plants, but also ornamental fish, reptiles and amphibians, and other pet animals.

11:45-12:30    Henk Eggink (DG ENVIRONMENT): The European implementation of CITES. What is different in Europe.

Each speaker will give an introduction followed by some 20 minutes for questions. For most operators in the industry, importers, retailers and wholesalers, it will be the first time they have the possibility to learn about the European developments first hand. For the representatives of the European Commission it will be an opportunity to present their concerns and explain the need for new legislation.

The European Pet Organization (EPO) is the association of European Pet Trade Associations, representing the industry at a European level.

The International Pet Advisory Council (IPAC) is a coalition of national trade associations, dealing with issues involving the trade in companion pets and aquatic organisms and plants.

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